Leadership Recognition

“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative to achieve a positive outcome.”


Our students all have the opportunity to participate in intramural sports and attend Board athletic events, as well as participate in various clubs that run throughout the school year. We are very proud of their sense of responsibility and involvement in school initiatives. In addition, we also acknowledge their contributions in our classrooms, school announcements, and assemblies.


Our staff members have a wealth of professional qualifications including Physical Education, the Sciences, as well as additional qualifications in Special Education,  and English as a Second Language. They give willingly of their time to provide our students with house league and competitive sports programs, leadership opportunities and various clubs. The staff actively participate in numerous Board-wide professional development activities in literacy and numeracy, and we recognize this professionalism by providing and supporting opportunities for further professional growth. Teamwork and collaboration are apparent in all initiatives.


Every year, our volunteers contribute numerous hours of support for the benefit of students in our school. Our dedicated school council meets monthly, supporting all school initiatives. School Council has also provided the school with busing for extracurricular trips, arts support and classroom resources. As invaluable partners, we thank our parents, guardians and volunteers on an on-going basis, and look for opportunities to acknowledge them such as school announcements, our Principal’s report to School Council, school newsletters and through our school’s website.


Each month, students are encouraged to develop as strong, responsible, and caring citizens. Our connection with local groups such as the Wabano Centre, Crossroads and the Education Foundation provides support for  families in need as well as help families connect to the wealth of resources around our school. 

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