Drop Off and Pickup


Students can be dropped off along the school’s side entrance on Pebble road anytime between 7:45-8:00am daily. We have a large paved area with basketball nets where teachers will meet their students every day. Bicycle racks are also located in this area. School is dismissed promptly at 2:30pm. Parents are asked to remain off of the school yard during pick up and drop off times. Students will make eye contact with their parent/guardian who is waiting at the sidewalk and then will be released by their teacher. 

Our Kindergarten pickup and drop zone is at the side gate of the kindergarten yard. Please park your car along Pebble Rd by the parking lot and walk in for a safe drop-off. Parking in the parking lot is limited and reserved for staff. 

Our bus lane is for the use of Student Transportation vans only. Students are not permitted to walk across the bus lane to the front entrance of the school. All children from grade 1-6 enter/exit the building by the basketball court and must walk on the sidewalk to get to the side yard and to leave the school property.

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